Wise Women Retreat

Transformational mountain program

October 3-6, 2024

Taos, New Mexico

Are you a hard-working passionate woman who feels overwhelmed and exhausted in a struggle to balance career, parenting and relationships? Do you yearn for more ease, flow and joy in your life?  Join us for mountain retreat in beautiful and sacred Taos, New Mexico for a powerful renewal experience.

Take a deep breath and soak in the breathtaking scenery of the rugged and wild Sangre de Cristo mountains. Feel an expansion within you as a sense of freedom fills your body. The magnificence of the moment overwhelms your senses, making you feel truly, deeply alive. In this heightened state of freedom and vitality, you gain full access to your clarity and inner strength. Your unique path forward becomes clear, and you are ready to stand in your power.

The purpose of the program

It's all about deep, authentic connection: with yourself, with the land, and with other wise and soulful women.

By the end of this retreat, through inner and outer exploration, you will feel relaxed, balanced, and confident. You will learn essential mental skills and practices to maintain this state long after the magic of the trip is over. You will feel grounded, connected to your inner wisdom, and able to confidently stand in your power at home, at work, and in all your relationships.

Join a very special community of soulful women where you can be truly seen, understood, and appreciated. Offer your own wisdom and support, and receive love from other wise women.

“Though her soul requires seeing, the culture around her requires sightlessness. Though her soul wishes to speak its truth, she is pressured to be silent.”

― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves


The vibe of the Taos valley is magical and spiritual. We will be visiting these mountains in the unique transitional time between summer and winter, when golden aspens shimmer in the wind, the days are warm and the nights are chilly. It's a perfect metaphor for letting go of what's not working, celebrating fruits of labor and envisioning new horizons.  

With 1,000+ years of history to share, the Taos area is home to an incredibly rich tapestry of artistic and cultural heritage. It’s long been a mecca for artists and creatives from around the world, all coming in search of the majestic beauty and spiritual heritage of this place. Taos has a confluence of Native American, Hispanic and European cultures and those are reflected by the people, the cuisine, the art, the architecture and atmosphere.  

You can arrive earlier or stay longer, because there are plenty of amazing things to do around Taos.  

Casa Kiva: Mountain Basecamp

Some people think that hiking requires hauling a heavy backpack, sleeping in a tent, cooking on a campfire and showering once a week. You don’t have to do it this way. You can get the same thrills of hiking while sleeping in a comfortable bed AND taking a hot shower every night. And even having homemade food for your dinner!

You will stay in the comfortable Casa Kiva which offers a true South Western experience with traditional adobe charm like viga ceilings, Saltillo tile floors, and kivas. Sweet seclusion, surrounded by nothing but miles of forest, this place is a perfect basecamp for mountain adventures and quiet reflective time.   


Cooking food together is a traditional way of sharing an experience. There is something magical in sharing a meal.  Previous retreats proved that these dinner gatherings are the absolute favorite of the group. 

The well-equipped kitchen has all the necessary things to enjoy homemade healthy and nutritious meals.  You can step outside and have your morning meal on the patio, breathing in fresh air. We will pack a trail lunch for the hiking days.  

The food is provided and we ask that the participants participate in cooking and cleaning.  

Transformational Program

“I hope you will go out and let stories, that is life, happen to you, and that you will work with these stories from your life--not someone else’s life--water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom. That is the work. The only work.”

― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Stage One: Preparation

Your journey begins when you make the decision to step on the path. From that moment your life is aligning with what's needed for your best learning and growth.

The program begins in September 2024. As for any significant journey, you need to prepare to get the most out of the retreat experience and enjoy it fully. 

Stage two: The retreat

Day 1: Intention

We will meet 10 am October 3rd, in Taos.

Hike to beautiful Williams lake for an Intention Setting Ceremony. Intention is a compass on your internal journey. It will help you end up at the exact destination you need to be. We reflect on our intention by asking ourselves "why am I here?" and "what do I want to get out of this?". 

We arrive at Casa Kiva in the afternoon, get settled and have dinner.  We start every retreat with a community circle. We also set the rules of participation, which are confidentiality, respect and support. 

Day 2: The Mountain Is You

 As you hike a spectacular trail to the summit of Wheeler Peak (13,167 ft), the highest point of New Mexico, your body burns stagnant energy and the wind takes doubts away. 

This is a challenging  9 miles hike  with 3000 ft of elevation gain.  The views are amazing! You don't have to summit, if it's too much for you.

The way you tackle this challenge is the way you tackle any challenge. Your unhelpful patterns will be revealed to you as well as your strengths. 

On one of the breaks we will do a guided visualization: "Your Ideal Day".

Community sharing circle in the evening: to celebrate victories, acknowledge difficulties, to share emotions and stories. Although we hike together as a group, it's amazing how vastly different internal experiences can be. 

Day 3: Explore The Inner Wilderness  

Wild nature is a wonderful facilitator in connection with our inner self, our true desires, feelings and dreams. Explore your inner wilderness and find the powerful and clear source of your energy while enjoying the incredible beauty of the mountains. 

This day is for reflection: rest, mindfulness practices, reflection exercises, journaling.  We might have a mellow hike to a beautiful location. This day is all about your internal journey. It’s a guided trip within yourself. 

Day 4: Conclusion

We are leaving the place and bringing an essence of it with us. Farewell ceremony. Done by noon.  

Itinerary of the retreat is subject to change as Mother Nature is my co-guide on this trip

Satge 3: Integration. Stand in your power 

Integration will continue through November 10th, 2024. It's needed to create a sustainable change.  It's time to put in action everything that became clear to you in the mountains. Your group and coach Jenya provide a container which connects your everyday self to your true and powerful self you experienced in mountains. 

We will have a 1.5 hour long group reunion zoom call soon after the retreat. 

You also have two 1 hour long individual coaching sessions with Jenya to work on stubborn unhelpful patterns and keep helpful practices going.



What's included

What's NOT included

Nearby airports

9 miles: Taos, NM (TSM) Taos Regional Airport

80 miles: Santa Fe, NM (SAF / KSAF) Santa Fe Municipal Airport

137 miles: Albuquerque, NM (ABQ / KABQ) Albuquerque International Sunport

This unmissable retreat was specifically designed for YOU to be a unique blend of  life-expanding mountain experience that you will remember for a lifetime and coaching practices, meditations, group sessions and deep conversations. It will connect you to what you truly want in life and show you how to actively live it.

Why join this outdoor based program?

If you feel a resonant "yes" response in your body to join this opportunity, then register and secure your spot!

Your investment in yourself

This program is limited to 8 participants by invitation! It's going to be tightly knit and cozy group. 

The deposit to reserve your space is $300. The full amount is due August 15, 2024. 

To reserve your space please complete the registration form and pay your deposit.  

“Go out in the woods, go out. If you don't go out in the woods nothing will ever happen and your life will never begin.”

― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Cancellation Policy: 

Any participant cancellation will result in a total loss of the $300 USD deposit. 

Any cancellation made after August 31, 2024 will result in 100% loss of trip price. 

We reserve the right to cancel the trip if it is not meeting the group minimum; if we do so your deposit and other payments are refunded in full. Determination will be made by August 31st, 2024 at the latest.

We reserve the right to determine if you are not a good fit for this trip; if we do so your deposit will be refunded in full. 

Trip cancellation insurance is always recommended whenever making travel plans.

Testimonials from previous retreat participants

I had an incredible time during our Zion trip! Today I have the sensation of floating in the air, I am still so relaxed and content. Jenya did an incredible job of coordinating the trip and ensuring we had the best possible individual and collective experience during the five days we were together. My trip was absolutely perfect, I loved each of the hikes: the first day of short walks allowed me to delight in the magnificence of the landscape while adjusting my body to the terrain, quieting my mind from the constant stream of thinking, and ensuring I was carrying appropriate food and gear for the days ahead; the second day hiking the Narrows was of pure joy, I loved waking in the water and losing myself in the tall rocky walls and waterfalls, at every turn of the river we encountered a new surprise of divine art; the third hike to the top of Angle’s Landing was challenging and required my complete focus, at the end of the day I was filled with a satisfying exhaustion. I thoroughly enjoyed each of the mediations Jenya led, she has a very calming voice and I was able to center myself and connect with nature. I received an unexpected gift during the trip, I met some wonderful people and made new friends. The evening circle, where we shared our intentions, stories, and takeaways was very enriching and I learned from every person that participated. Every detail of the trip worked so well, including lodging, food, transportation, and particularly the group activities and the time we spent at the park. All things flowed in harmony, the pace was nice with challenging moments, however relaxed. 


This is a journal entry from a retreat participant who had uncertainty around relationships.  Shared with permission:

Today is the last day of our journey in Colorado - an unforgettable encounter with autumn, filled with warm colors, the cleansing mountain air, blue skies, and apples. From the tranquility that has filled my heart, a sense of flying over valleys, waterfalls, and blue  mountains with yellow-orange patches of autumn trees arises. It is a remarkable state where there is no worry or doubt in the soul. Nature has led me to a simple answer: one must simply live, grateful for every sunny moment in your life. Fear and anxiety about the future, fear of trusting and opening up yourself, of putting your hand in another’s hand, limit our capacity to love and be loved. To live, feel, and love now, with the taste of warm honey and the aroma of a warm autumn day, is the principle of freedom. To live in such a way when you are in harmony with yourself, nature, and the world around you is happiness. Those who understand you will stay and walk beside you, accepting your love and energy and giving theirs in return. What is meant to happen will happen without my interference. And if you choose to be happy, that is your path. If you feel warmth emanating from the people walking beside you, you are heading in the same direction. If you feel cold, then they are just passing companions, helping you not to stray from your path.


Thank you for the wonderful organization of the retreat, for your infectious love for nature!

I want to share my personal unforgettable experience of a forest walk, climbing natural giants, and conquering them! Mountains, canyons, cliffs, lagoons, mountain rivers, forest trails, waterfalls, the sound of the autumn forest, the singing of birds, a soulful company, and excellent organization!

For a whole week now, I live in an amazing feeling of strength and inspiration that did not leave me after the trip, unlike what usually happens after even the most powerful training sessions or trips.

The internal struggle with myself began a week before the trip—every day, there was a new, more significant reason to cancel the trip. But all fears and self-sabotage were overcome, and here is the long-awaited reward—incredible pleasure from overcoming obstacles, complete unity of mind-body-nature! Tony Robbins once said: if you can't change your emotional state, change your physical state! And here it all comes together! A complete reset! After all, emotional breakthroughs and changes are only possible in a reliable atmosphere and environment. A huge thank you to all the participants of the Arkansas retreat for the kind, pleasant, and fun moments that will remain in my memory forever!  P.S. A quote from my roommate: "Those who understand life do not rush." 


What an adventure! Breathtaking, adrenaline pumping, life changing moments! The best coach, the best group to hike with! I hope to have many more adventures with this great group of people! Thanks you, Jenya! 


Here is reflection from the participant who never hiked before:

1. Joining such trips is a must! Absolutely! My mind truly relaxed!

2. Nature is everything! The autumn colors create a very special mood. It's hard to count how many pictures I took.

3. As with any activity, hiking has many nuances, the knowledge of which makes the trail easier. So now I can tie a double bow knot and properly adjust my backpack and boots.

4. A good team is a pleasant bonus for a hike.

5. It would be nice to find trails nearby, no more than 3 hours away. We drove 9 hours. However, our team included experienced hikers who travel to different countries for popular trails and don't complain about the distance.

6. I was pleased to see how many people are hiking—we even saw a young couple with a 4-5 month old baby.

So, my first experience brought the most positive emotions. I hope and believe that there are many more interesting trails ahead of me.

Program leader

Jenya Kuvshinova is an emotional wellness and life navigation coach. She is a clarity guide. They call her Spiritual Sherpa.

Born and raised in Siberia, she moved to US as an adult. She is good at transitions and dealing with complex changes while keeping an eye on her vision and dreams.  As a child she was conditioned to look for rules, approvals and permissions. It took her a lifetime of peeling back layers of limitations, most of them internal. That allowed her make courageous and meaningful life changes like leaving a corporates career to become a self-employed coach, moving to a different country, divorcing after 26 years of marriage and relentlessly pursuing the work which fits her soul.  

Jenya has been practicing as a personal development coach for 13 years, helping her clients to achieve clarity and confidence and empower them to create desired positive changes in their lives.  She holds ICF credentials of Professional Certified Coach with more then 2000 hours of coaching practice.

The dream to bring together hiking in mountains and personal growth was first born from her own deep transformational experiences during her adventures. She has been hiking, climbing, backpacking, skiing, rafting and canyoneering in Siberia, Middle Asia, China, Swiss Alps, Argentina and all across the United States for more than 30 years. 

Jenya has extensive background in leading outdoor trips and wilderness first aid training from Wilderness Medical Associates.

Contact us

Schedule a quick 15 minutes call with Jenya if you have any questions or concerns. You can also email your questions to kuvshinova2@gmail.com